Friday 5 February 2016

Snickers Chocolate Salami

Every Friday, I like to make something sweet, chocolately and delicious to get us through the last teaching day of the week. I love that baking puts such a smile on my colleagues faces! It make its so much more worth it.
This week I made Chocolate Salami, I did some research and my name for it is less than original, however I can assure you there is no meat in this sweet treat whatsoever, it is purely a named based on it s appearance when you slice into it. It looks like a the centre of a traditional salami: busy!
This is a very rich recipe, but the biscuit and snickers elements give it another dimension.

Chocolate Salami


4 bars of snickers
200g of biscuits
200g dark chocolate
5 tbsp. cocoa powder
1/2 cup of milk
2 yolks
100g butter


Prepare a loaf tin by buttering the sides and coating with coco powder. Alternatively you could butter the sides, then use cling film to layer on the sides, ensuring easy removal from the tin.
Plan a pan of water on to boil and in a glass bowl place the butter with the dark chocolate and put on to melt in the pan of hot water.
once the butter and chocolate have melted, take off the heat and mix well, then add the yolks one at a time and mix again until well combined. Once you've down this put back on the heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Place the biscuits in a food bag and crush with a rolling pin. Then cut the snickers bars into small chunks. Place both ingredients in a mixing bowl, then pour the melted mixture into the mixing bowl and stir until the biscuit crumbs and snickers chunks are covered.
In a small saucepan, place the 1/2 cup of milk on a medium heat, and once it starts to boil, add the cocoa powder and bring down to a simmer. Once the milk and cocoa powder are combined, pour into the mixing bowl and stir until well combined.
Pour the mixture into the pre-prepared loaf tin and ensure a flat finish on top.
Place in the fridge for 3-4 hours.
Once the salami has set, turn out onto a serving place, remove the cling film and dust with cocoa powder and then slice.


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