Monday, 6 June 2016

Cupcake Bouqet- The Perfect Gift

It was my mother in laws birthday coming up and we were already stumped as to what to get her for her birthday, so whilst I left the gift idea to my boyfriend, I did a little research on cupcake bouquets as I had come across a couple of different images before and its something I have been waiting to give a go. The cupcakes are the easy bit, I shall out some links to my cupcakes at the bottom of the post, but its the structure which is the tricky bit.

Start by investing in your basic materials, so you need a plant pot, standard sized plant pot, or you could use a small metal bucket.
I got two packs of tissue paper: green to go around the cupcakes to act as leaves and a pink tissue to go around all of the cupcakes.
You'll need scissors obviously and a pretty ribbon to go around the pot.
Either online or in any good cook shop store, you will need a polystyrene dome, you can get them on eBay, it doesn't matter if they are slightly too small to fit the top of your plant pot, as you can fill out the top with tissue paper.
Lastly you need cocktail sticks to puncture the polystyrene dome and then to attach to the bottom of the cupcake's. I had 5 large cupcakes in my bouquet, but obviously the bigger pot you get the more cupcakes that will fit!

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